Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Duplication is the key success factor in network marketing.
The concept of duplication is what separates network marketing from traditional business. It's why the time honored mass marketing strategies of traditional business just don't pan out for the bulk of network marketers that use them.
Many marketers tell us that their downline isn't duplicating. But something is duplicating, even if you are not aware of it. With 97% of the people involved in this business NOT earning a profit, it's pretty obvious what is duplicating. Unfortunately it's the wrong kind of duplication.
Duplication isn't about being a cookie cutter. It's not about having people do exactly the same thing that we do and becoming a clone. That's what actually causes duplication to break down over time.
The focus of your duplication efforts should be to duplicate the earning of income - getting a commission check. It's about duplicating results.
This is where most companies seem to run out of options. Yet it's having options that work for each individual that's precisely what is needed in order to duplicate positive results.
There are a lot of books and Internet sites with tons of ideas (and even more promises) on how to best build a network marketing business. Some of these ideas are good, most are not. At leaders Club we approach things differently.
To start, we only teach marketing options that we have tested and have proven to work. We've spent over $10 Million over the years working the kinks out of various methods, developing new strategies and dumping the ones that don't work.
Next, we've looked at hundreds of network marketing organizations. Some attracting thousands of members, with high retention rates, regular duplication and generating excellent income. Others not.
We know what separates the winners from the losers. But that's not the reason you should subscribe to our program! The reason you should subscribe is because we will work with you specifically to ensure your success. Not only do we create a custom
tailored training program, provide you with one-on-one personal accountability, we will actually help you troubleshoot prospecting, marketing and leadership challenges live as they arise.
This is not something a book or a blog will ever be able to provide! Working with me one-on-one would cost you $250/hr. It's worth every penny - provided you can get on to my schedule and afford it in the first place.
But Leaders Club isn't about draining your budget.
We're about helping the underdog. This is why we have weekly live group sessions where you can ask me, my expert trainers and even other Leaders Club members for honest help with your most difficult situations.
The bottom line is that no one leaves a Leaders Club training program without a solution they can implement in their very next prospecting conversation or marketing/leadership challenge. Not hype. Logical solutions that come from experience. 99% of the time they won't cost you another dime.
No one leaves without a workable solution and the knowledge that they have an expert team backing them every step of the way!
That's something I know you can recognize in Challenge 7 of the
video. In case you missed it, or want to see it again, visit:
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